Echo Magazine 2022

Echo is an award-winning print magazine created by Columbia students majoring in journalism, graphic design, and photography. It is offered every spring semester as the College Magazine Workshop, a capstone class.

For each issue, we construct the magazine, top to bottom, chose a theme, and crafted a design style. In the recent issue of 2022, we explored themes of Life, which explored our beginnings and endings; Home, which explored the nature of community and belonging; and Body, which explored the power of and threats to our physical being.

My role as a graphic designer was to create a layout that fit the theme of the stories that were given to us by the journalists, use photos by our class photographer, or illustrations from our illustrators.

Communication and constructive criticism were key to making this magazine an award-winning magazine.

This story was photographed which meant adjusting the text so that it would flow smoothly with the images. This meant eliminating widows and orphans. The journalist wanted more emphasis on the picture on the right page and had an illustrator create similar drawings to the charms in the photo.

The first article was based on a technical question, therefore, we decided to go with
a more simple, yet relatable route by designing the text to read as a text message on a smartphone.

The second article had a more spiritual aspect, giving the images a more euphoric look and feel. Stacking the images on the left helped create a layout that best fits the flow of the body copy.

For the full magazine, click the link below:
Echo Magazine 2022.


Studio Four Nineteen

