No. 1 Para mi Raza

Extension is a magazine of appreciation that gives insight into the culture, history, and impact that is sometimes overlooked or underappreciated current day. The magazine is written in English and is translated into Spanish to be more accessible to those with a language barrier and also makes a helpful tool for learning Spanish and/or English. The magazine's purpose is to remind us of the value of where we come from and the importance of our cultural values.

The magazine is based on a five-column grid to organize images and text uniquely and movingly. I gained the inspiration to do more than three columns from other magazines that also have translations in them. The monarch butterfly is a strong symbol of Mexican culture as they represent strength, hope, and growth. They are also associated with migrating and in high numbers, creating a beautiful visual of millions of traveling butterflies.

Images can leave a lasting impression on viewers; ones that can also give them a new outlook on the life that some people live on a daily. To further emphasize these emotions, there are included interviews that highlight the effects of being undocumented and the negative notions that are perceived in America.


Red Ruby


Cha Cha Noi